Ways to give

There are many ways to give to the Eugene Public Library Foundation.
Eugene Public Library Foundation is a registered 501 (c)(3) – EIN: 93-0873279. Gifts to the Foundation are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.
In addition to donating one-time or recurring gifts, you can also give gifts in a variety of other ways. Please let us know if you have any questions and we are happy to talk with you about donating in a way that fits your needs.
Libraries enrich lives and strengthen communities. Through private and public support, Eugene Public Library Foundation envisions a vibrant public library that maximizes access to information, increases literacy and innovation, serves as a gateway to arts and culture, and provides a community gathering place.
Jump to: Name a Shelf | Naming Opportunities | Imagination Library | Planned Gifts | Gifts of Stock | Memorial & Tribute Gifts | Foundation Initiatives
In normal times, over 3500 people come to our library every day. They come for many reasons. Your gift of cash is a powerful tool in the campaign to provide enlightenment and information in our community. Because of gifts from donors like you, the library is full of enhancements that support a high quality of life and opportunity for every Eugene resident. Any amount helps, all gifts are welcomed. Thank you for valuing opportunity for our friends and families at Eugene Public Library.
Please mail your gift to:
Eugene Public Library Foundation
100 W. 10th Avenue, Suite 317
Eugene, OR 97401
Or donate online through the button below.
For those 70.5+, learn about donating a portion of your IRA mandatory distribution as a Qualified Charitable Contribution (QCD) here. QCDs can be made in consultation with your financial planner or your IRA custodian.
Name a Shelf
For $100, you can create a tribute for someone that will last forever as a named shelf in any branch of the Eugene Public Library. Is there a special birthday coming up? You may want to surprise your parent on Mother or Father’s Day. Perhaps, you would rather honor a very special graduate. Have you lost someone who made a real difference in your life? We will recognize your gift of $100 with a named shelf. You will be providing much-needed enhancements for the Eugene Public Library. And, you will be honoring the extraordinary people in your life…forever. Here‘s the form to Name a Shelf and the Master Name Plaque Key.
Naming Opportunities
There are still many naming opportunities at Eugene Public Library. For a variety of gift amounts, we will recognize your contribution with a plaque, honoring your gift. Naming a part of our Public Library helps elevate the quality of life in our community, providing access to enriching materials and online resources for every Eugene Public Library cardholder. It also creates a tribute that will honor your friends or family for many years. Contact the Foundation office at 541-338-7018 or info@eplfoundation.org to learn more.
Imagination Library of Eugene
Founded by Dolly Parton and funded 100% locally, the Imagination Library of Eugene is by our community and for our community, providing free books to children 0-5 in Eugene. Donate to Imagination Library here
Planned Gifts
Many of our most meaningful contributions to the library were made possible by bequests, or legacy gifts. Program such as The Imagination Library and the Maker Hub were made possible by this type of gift. When you leave a gift in your estate plan to the Library Foundation, it will help support the public library for many years and will give you the knowledge that you will help those in the future.
Help ensure a bright future for the Library and the people of Eugene by naming the Eugene Public Library Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, life insurance policy or other estate plan.
The Library Foundation encourages everyone to leave a legacy for the library by donating “one percent for the library” in your estate plan.
To ensure that your gift reverts to the Eugene Public Library Foundation, we suggest the following wording in your will or trust documents”
“I devise to (or upon the Dissolution of this Trust) (Or make as Beneficiary) The Eugene Public Library Foundation, an Oregon non-profit corporation, the sum of $_ (or the _% of the Estate) (or all the rest, residue and remainder of my Estate or Trust) to be used for carrying out its missions.”
Download “Five Questions About Your Will & Estate Planning” PDF
Gifts of Stock
You can strengthen programs and materials at our award-winning Eugene Public Library with gifts of stock or securities.
Please download this Charles Schwab Charitable Gift Form to proceed or for assistance, please contact the Foundation at 541-338-7018.
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
A named contribution is a meaningful and lasting way to commemorate a person’s memory, celebration, or life milestone in a way that also benefits the Eugene Public Library.
Your kind gift is a way of guaranteeing that access to information and excellent programs will continue for the over 3,500 people who come to the library every day. The Eugene Public Library Foundation supports many library programs and materials with the help of generous donors like you. We hope you will have a measure of comfort and satisfaction, knowing that you are enriching the lives of so many.
We are deeply grateful that you would consider a gift to the Library Foundation as you face the most important moments of your lives.
Foundation Initiatives
With many new challenges in our community, the Foundation has sought partnerships to enhance library services that increase access to and engagement with Eugene Public Library.
Through funds raised from our community of donors, the Public School Access Initiative in partnership with Eugene Public Library and the City of Eugene, in addition to 4J and Bethel school districts, was launched for a 3-year pilot program to provide free library cards for all students attending 4J and Bethel schools, regardless of whether or not they live within Eugene city boundaries. Learn more here.
The Innovation Fund is a one-year designation of $25,000 in funds restricted by the EPLF Board of Directors for the purpose of supporting the Eugene Public Library as its staff develops innovative ways of serving the Library’s community in response to COVID-19 and the reduction of in-person services at branches. Library staff may apply for limited duration projects that engage community members with the Library in experimental, new ways. With ongoing need, the Innovation Fund may continue past the end of FY2021. Learn more here.
The Innovation Fund is currently supporting a pilot to distribute WiFi hotspots at partnering organizations to increase access to the internet and library services. This pilot is being expanded through the Connecting Community campaign in partnership with Friends of Eugene Public Library to bring 300 mobile WiFi hotspot devices to Eugene Public Library.